Webquests: use websites for classroom projects.

A webquest is a lesson activity, in which students use real websites to complete a project.

The teacher sets a task for them to complete, gives them a time limit, any resources they might need, and sets some rules. Usually, students work in groups to complete the project. They scout different websites for any information they need to finish it. After completing the project, they share it with other students and the teacher. Usually, they also have to talk about what they did to complete it.

Today, we have a few ideas for webquest projects, in which students have to also deal with money and budgeting.

Project: Furnish a new house/room/office

Goal: Students have to browse furniture shops on the internet and “shop” for all the pieces they’re going to need to furnish a new house, room or office.

Rules: They have a budget. You set a virtual budget for them, depending on what they’re furnishing and how long you want this project to go on.

Resources: online furniture shops. e.g. ikea.com

Project: Get dressed for a job interview/a first date

Goal: Students have to browse clothes shops on the internet and “shop” for everything they’re going to wear for a job interview or a first date (or any other event that you want to set).

Rules: They have a budget. You set a virtual budget for them. You can be generous and allow a large budget, or you can make the task a bit more challenging and set the budget low.

Resources: any online clothes shops, e.g. zara.com, hm.com

Project: Organise a holiday

Goal: Students have to “organise” their holiday. They look for: transportation, accommodation, entertainment and food.

Rules: They have a budget. You set a virtual budget for them. You can be generous and allow a large budget, or you can make the task a bit more challenging and set the budget low. The holiday has to be suitable for all of them.

Resources: airline websites, e.g. easyjet.com, accommodation websites, e.g. booking.com, airbnb.com. local tourist information websites.

Project: Buy groceries

Goal: Students have to plan meals and buy groceries for the whole week.

Rules: They have a budget. You set a virtual budget for them. And again, you can decide how challenging you want to make it: set a normal budget or a really low one to make it more challenging.

Resources: online grocery stores, e.g. tesco.com

Project: Organise a party

Goal: Students organise a party (birthday/Christmas/staff).

Rules: They have a budget. You set a virtual budget for them.

Resources: online party shops, e.g. https://www.partydelights.co.uk/

For each project, students work in small groups. Set a time limit for the “shopping” part and at the end ask them to list and justify each purchase. There are so many other budgeting webquest projects you can do in your lessons. If you have business classes, you could ask the students to virtually: open a café, organise a team-building event, etc. If you teach teenagers, you can ask them to: organise a trip or throw a surprise party for a friend.

The only thing to remember is that they have to communicate in English throughout doing their projects!

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